Motivated story in Life


1. Everyone Has a Story in Life

A 24 year old boy seeing out from the train’s window shouted…
“Dad, look the trees are going behind!”
Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby, looked at the 24 year old’s childish behavior with pity, suddenly he again exclaimed…
“Dad, look the clouds are running with us!”
The couple couldn’t resist and said to the old man…
“Why don’t you take your son to a good doctor?”The old man smiled and said…“I did and we are just coming from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today.
Every single person on the planet has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.

2.Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans
Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it. She was tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem was solved, another one soon followed.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the third pot.
He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing.
After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl.
He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he asked. “Daughter, what do you see?”
“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied.
“Look closer,” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.
“Father, what does this mean?” she asked.
He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each faced the same adversity– the boiling water.
However, each one reacted differently.
The potato went in strong, hard, and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it became soft and weak.
The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.
However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new. 
“Which are you,” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean ? “
Moral:In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only thing that truly matters is what happens within us.
Which one are you?

Salam 14 Ramadhan

hari ni terdetik d hati nak jenguk blog yang dah agak lama berhabuk.. alamaklumla sebelumny "BUSY" dengan assigment bagai...kahkahkah.. yoyo ooo ja kan.. padahal mengulor ja lebih.. okk  sekarang officially dah tamat!! finally im free.. dah habis belajar tapi (sobsob) sekarang masih gigih nak habiskan praktikal yg masih berbaki 3 bulan... ohh boleh bayangkan tak mcm mana rasa praktikal masa bulan puasa... Boring!!! yess sebab asyik tengok movie ja (punya la tak ada kerja)..

kahkahakah berani  la buat gitu sebab bos tak ada... ni pon curi curi online blog padahal staf ada kat sebelah.. (shuuu) ...

ok meh aku cerita sikit pasal praktikal kat sini.. memang tak dapat dinafikan keja kat sini best walaupon boring sebab tak banyak kerja sebab sini akan sibuk bila adanya event besar yang melibatkan ministry and state.. ok lupa bgtau aku intern dekat tourism malaysia.. hoho.. actually best sebab kau akan jumpa mcm macam orang masa kau berurusan nanti..

Ok back pada cerita aku. sini kenapa aku kata best sebab mula mula datang sini masa first intern pon dia punya suasa kerja tu dah happening. sebab almost semua staff dia kepala ting tong mcm aku.. boleh bayangkan tak masuk masuk ja dah boleh menyembang mcm jiran sebelah rumah engkorang.. haa engko tanjat boboy kejap... tapi aku layankan ajo.. kan hakak mesra alam bila orang mesra alam dengan hakak. Gituu

TM ni actually kecik ja sebab ada 9 orang staff ja kiranya masuk aku yg nyemak ni jadi 11 orang la.. hahak.. haa peningkan.. kenapa 11 sebab ada sorang lagi budak praktikal yg nyemak mcm haku...
Mula dari bos yang super sporting kata diorang sebab aku belum jumpa (nebes pulok). timbalan pengarah kakM yg ok boleh masuk kepala  dan anak anak hayam nya (opps) tak i mean staff yang lain pon okey ja.. cuma ada sorang staff yang baru masuk dan aku still nggak bisa ngam gitu sebab tersangatlah DIAM... aku dengan diam memang tak ada kimia la...

itu ja la kot sebab pegawai dah jeling jeling manja dekat haku.. nnti aku merepek lain.

p/s : PUASA TAU!